import traytable as tt
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

Download this notebook and try it out yourself here

Making a screen

First, initialize the screen with screen(). This function requires that you specify

  • the parameter that varies by row

  • the parameter that varies by column

  • the plate shape, in the form of a “max well”, e.g. the well in the bottom right corner of the plate.

Note that row refers to the parameter encoded by the row name; this is the parameter that is the same within a row, rather than the parameter that varies across the row. Likewise for columns.

Finally, whatever additional named arguments you pass to screen() become “screen static” global parameters that apply to all wells in all trays in the screen. Perhaps you include the protein construct, a nickname for the screen, or the type of plate you’re using.

myscreen = tt.screen(row = 'protein', col = 'PEG', maxwell = 'H6',
                     construct = 'HEWL', buffer = 'imidazole 20mM')

Now let’s make a tray. Like with screen(), tray() will parse any additional named arguments as “tray static” parameters that apply to all wells in the tray. A common example might be the date the tray was set, or a buffer or additive that is the same across the plate.

Most importantly, tray() accepts arguments rows and cols to specify the values of the parameters varying across the plate. These can be set in three ways:

  • with a list of two numbers, e.g. row = [4, 18] which would evenly space values across the rows (with number of rows determined via the maxwell parameter for the screen

  • with a list of numbers equal in length to the number of rows/columns, which get mapped to rows/columns explicitly

  • with a single number, which will be used for all rows/columns

tray1 = tt.tray(myscreen, date = '2021-01-01', pH = 5.8,
                rows = [4,18],
                cols = [20,25])

The clonetray() method clones a tray with useage newtray = clonetray(screen, oldtray, **kwargs) where you can override specific parameters of the tray being cloned. When trays are similar (or identical) this saves some typing.

tray2 = tt.clonetray(tray1, date = '2021-01-03',
                     rows = [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 14])

In this case, using clonetray() instead of tray() saves you from having to re-specify the pH and the column values, which haven’t changed from the previous tray.

Logging hits!

Our two trays have some crystals! We can log wells with good (or bad!) crystals via the well() function. well() requires the tray, well, and a short string to describe crystal quality; any other named parameters (perhaps a more verbose description, or a number of crystals) are accepted and get their own column in the resulting dataframe.

For all but the first call to well(), don’t forget old_df=df to concatenate the new results with the old results.

df = tt.well(tray1, 'A6', 'good', quantity = 3)
df = tt.well(tray1, 'B6', 'good', quantity = 2, note = "chunkier than usual", old_df=df)
df = tt.well(tray1, 'C6', 'needles', old_df=df)
protein PEG quality construct buffer date pH tray well quantity note
0 4.0 25.0 good HEWL imidazole 20mM 2021-01-01 5.8 tray1 A6 3.0 NaN
1 6.0 25.0 good HEWL imidazole 20mM 2021-01-01 5.8 tray1 B6 2.0 chunkier than usual
2 8.0 25.0 needles HEWL imidazole 20mM 2021-01-01 5.8 tray1 C6 NaN NaN

The well() function uses the tray and well to look up all the data you’ve logged in your screens.

If you have many wells, all of the same quality, you can log them all at once:

df = tt.well(tray2, ['B3', 'C3', 'D3', 'E3'], 'needles', old_df=df)
df = tt.well(tray2, ['A5', 'A6', 'B5'], 'good', old_df=df, note='borderline')
protein PEG quality construct buffer date pH tray well quantity note
0 4.0 25.0 good HEWL imidazole 20mM 2021-01-01 5.8 tray1 A6 3.0 NaN
1 6.0 25.0 good HEWL imidazole 20mM 2021-01-01 5.8 tray1 B6 2.0 chunkier than usual
2 8.0 25.0 needles HEWL imidazole 20mM 2021-01-01 5.8 tray1 C6 NaN NaN
3 5 22.0 needles HEWL imidazole 20mM 2021-01-03 5.8 tray2 B3 NaN NaN
4 6 22.0 needles HEWL imidazole 20mM 2021-01-03 5.8 tray2 C3 NaN NaN
5 7 22.0 needles HEWL imidazole 20mM 2021-01-03 5.8 tray2 D3 NaN NaN
6 8 22.0 needles HEWL imidazole 20mM 2021-01-03 5.8 tray2 E3 NaN NaN
7 4 24.0 good HEWL imidazole 20mM 2021-01-03 5.8 tray2 A5 NaN borderline
8 4 25.0 good HEWL imidazole 20mM 2021-01-03 5.8 tray2 A6 NaN borderline
9 5 24.0 good HEWL imidazole 20mM 2021-01-03 5.8 tray2 B5 NaN borderline

Finally, let’s visualize which conditions are giving good crystals vs. needles.

colordict= {'good':'green',
df.plot.scatter('protein', 'PEG', alpha=0.6, c=df.quality.map(colordict))
plt.title('What [protein] vs. %PEG gives the best crystals?')

Looks like we should optimize with high PEG, low protein conditions. With traytable, no matter how many trays you’ve set with slightly varied screens, you can always consolidate your results in a single table or plot.

Other things of note

  • You may have noticed that optional parameters present in some calls to well(), but not others, are harmlessly treated as NaN where missing.

  • The setrows() and setcols() methods are called behind the scenes by tray() and clonetray() via the rows and cols keyword arguments, respectively, but are also available as stand-alone functions with usage tray = setrows(tray, rows) and likewise for columns.

Just a code chunk

import traytable as tt
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# make trays
myscreen = tt.screen(row = 'protein', col = 'PEG', maxwell = 'H6',
                     construct = 'HEWL', buffer = 'imidazole 20mM')
tray1 = tt.tray(myscreen, date = '2021-01-01', pH = 5.8,
                rows = [4,18],
                cols = [20,25])
tray2 = tt.clonetray(tray1, date = '2021-01-03',
                     rows = [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 14])

# log results
df = tt.well(tray1, 'A6', 'good', quantity = 3)
df = tt.well(tray1, 'B6', 'good', quantity = 2, note = "chunkier than usual", old_df=df)
df = tt.well(tray1, 'C6', 'needles', old_df=df)
df = tt.well(tray2, ['B3', 'C3', 'D3', 'E3'], 'needles', old_df=df)
df = tt.well(tray2, ['A5', 'A6', 'B5'], 'good', old_df=df, note='borderline')

# plot results
colordict= {'good':'green',
df.plot.scatter('protein', 'PEG', alpha=0.6, c=df.quality.map(colordict))
plt.title('What [protein] vs. %PEG gives the best crystals?')